Sunday, September 29, 2013

IMovie or WeVideo??

I asked the question several blogs ago which was better to use?  Which was easier?  Well I have to say after spend a ton of time working on IMovie with Jen, I did not find it to be as user friendly as everyone had suggested.  I found it easier to navigate WeVideo.  In WeVideo there were easy ways to get to text, pictures, and movies.  IMovie took a lot more time.  Has anyone else had this experience?  Or have you found other programs that are easier?  When I do my literacy project, I will go back to WeVideo!


  1. I haven't tried WeVideo... Thanks for your opinion on the programs :)

  2. The one downside I found to WeVideo is that it requires you to have Internet connections, whereas software does not. Given the editing process, it can be easier to work offline. WeVideo has improved since I used in last winter to try it out. I used it again this week in the event that people in 584 were going to use it. I found more features added. I had a slow connection while I was working, so the process took longer than it would if I were using iMovie. I also had some difficulty with voice recording, but that might have been related to the slow Internet connection I was experiencing. Overall, I found once I adjusted to knowing where the features are in iMovie, using the software became easier. The first video I made with it was a lot of trial and error, but now I like the program, and find I can use it much more quickly. It is a powerful software program with many options, and focusing on just the ones you need, also makes the process go faster. I have heard elementary school students really find iMovie on the iPad fairly easy, but, again, that might depend on how much access students have to use the app.
