In our third grade co-taught class we have found using visual imagery as a strategy to learn and retain vocabulary is a very successful. This is especially helpful for the special education students in the class. In the past we have not utilized Animoto as a source for this visual imagery. Animoto is incredibly easy to use and the finished product is very motivating for the kids! Our students are working hard to complete work accurately so that we can capture it in a picture and put it into an Animoto presentation! Animoto is a great source to link vocabulary words to pictures to create visual imagery for your students!
Check it out!
What types of technology do you use for visual imagery?
Is it worth having an educator's account or should I upgrade?
An Animoto Educators account free version is a good place to start. Other good media for visual include: Draw and the Camera option on iPads, Haiku Deck on the iPad for teachers to create visual slide shows to share with students, and of course PowerPoint and Google Presentation. There are also websites that will help special needs students with reading and writing skills. Google Doc has a feature to turn on to help students with special needs with hearing text read aloud. You can also install a spell checker and grammar checker to use with Google Docs. I will try to create a Google Doc that students in both classes can use to write in special education resources, given a good number of people in both sections of 584 this semester are special education teachers or co-teach with a special education teacher.